1949 NY Knicks vs. St. Louis Bombers with Carl Braun & Red Rocha Original TYPE I Photo

On December 17, 1949, the New York Knicks hosted the St. Louis Bombers in Madison Square Garden.  The Knicks won the game 81-76.

Offered is an original TYPE I double weight photograph that measures 7” x 9” in size. Crystal clear action shot of Goebel “Tex” Ritter in a beautiful jump shot as Red Rocha of St. Louis trying to block the shot from behind. Future Hall of Famer, Carl Braun & Vince Boryla of the Knicks and Belus Smawley of St. Louis watch the action shot in great suspense.

Crystal clear from the early days of the NBA.

Item: 13775

Price: $199.00
1949 NY Knicks vs. St. Louis Bombers with Carl Braun & Red Rocha Original TYPE I Photo