Albersheim's 2015 November Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 11/14/2015
On July 9, 1948, Paige became the oldest man ever to debut in the major leagues, at the age of 42 years and two days. With the St. Louis Browns beating the Indians 4–1 in the bottom of the fourth inning, Boudreau pulled his starting pitcher, Bob Lemon, and sent Paige in. Paige, not knowing the signs and not wanting to cross his catcher up, did not put too much on his first pitch, which Chuck Stevens lined for a single into left field. We offer an original 10x8 historical AP wire photo dated July 7, 1948; the date Paige signed his Major League contract (his Major League debut from the Negro Leagues) pictured next to Indians owner, Bill Veeck.
Satchel Paige & Bill Veeck – Major League Debut 1948 - HISTORIC original photo
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $35.96
Number Bids: 4
Auction closed on Saturday, November 14, 2015.
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